What's going on with Sheryle?

Friday, October 14, 2005


I can't believe that it's the middle of October already! Time is FLYING by! The Aspen trees have already changed a from neon yellow, to bright red, to burnt orange...so beautiful! We had our first snowfall last weekend...it's getting me so excited for winter. I'm all geared up to hit the slopes...time permitting, of course. :)
This past week we had some amazing training sessions. My favorite one so far was this evangelism training workshop. It really made me think...
Anyways, there is some sad news...our director, Drew, is being deployed to Iraq December 1. We knew this would be a possibility, but didn't really think it would happen. They're currently looking for a new director of our program, so please be in prayer for Drew and his wife as he's preparing to leave for at least 9 months to serve our country. Also that God would bring the right person to take over the program.


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheryl, you rock. Jessica Neely loves you soooo very much


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