What's going on with Sheryle?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Lake Tahoe

So today was awesome! Not only did camp rock out, but my team and I were able to go up to Lake Tahoe this afternoon. I can honestly say that it's the most beautiful place I've seen here in the US. I have some AMAZING pics, but I still don't know how to post them on here. I'm going to try and put them on ofoto. Anyways, on our way there I was totally in awe of God...it's just so beautiful up here! Then I saw this huge black bear with her two cubs...unreal! I've never seen a bear out in the open before. I pulled quick u-turn and got a few pics of them...it was so cool you guys!
Then we got to the Lake...crystal clear blue, surrounded by snow-tipped mountains. It reminded me so much of New Zealand. So we hung out there this afternoon.
Sorry I can't write more right now...I'll just blame it on the fact that it's past mid-night and that day 4 of my third week of camps starts in less then 8 hours. Need to catch some z's...


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are having the time of your life, it is great you have the opportunity to do all these things...well the taste of chicago is this weekend, I'll have a slice of pizza on your behalf:)

At 12:51 AM, Blogger erin said...

your pictures are amazing. i'm actually jealous, i think, of the beautious nature you are experiencing out there. chicago is doing well. perfect weather and people are happy. glad you are doing well, my friend.
much love.

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Sheryle said...

Thanks Ali! I'm sure you'll work it off in no time on the soccer field. :)

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Sheryle said...

I miss you er-er!


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